This is an introductory laboratory which is designed to acquaint students with the basic concepts and properties of electrical circuits and networks. This lab comprises of DC Circuit Laboratory and AC Circuit Laboratory. In this lab students of first year perform experiments related to topics taught in theory like superposition theorem, Norton’s theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, open circuit and short circuit test of single phase transformers, etc. After completing the lab, students learn to analyze and solve different electrical basic circuit and design basic electrical circuits
Major Equipment:
Signal Generator
Trainer Board
DC/AC Power Supply
Digital Multimeter
Electronics Laboratory
This lab is comprised of two parts that is Analog Electronics and Digital Electronics. In the Analog Electronics section students analyse basic electronic circuits like rectification, wave shaping, amplifier, Op-amp circuits, etc. using experimental setup as an individual or as a member of a team. In the Digital Electronics Section, different types of experiments related to combination and sequential circuits design like adder, subtractor, encoder-decoder, multiplexer-demultiplexer, Latch Flip-flop, counter, register are normally performed. After completing this lab students are instructed to design different digital electronics project which helps them to have hands on experience with the electronic devices.
Major Equipment:
Function Generator
Dual Channel Oscilloscope
Dual/Single channel DC Power Supply
Digital Multimeter
Digital Trainer board
Electrical Machines Laboratory
This lab aims to teach students about operation and application of various dc machines, single phase transformers and three phase transformers practically. It also helps to familiarize students with AC machines and give them experimental skills. This lab will enhance the ability to conduct testing and experimental procedures on different types of electrical machines as well as on transformers
Major Equipment:
D.C Motor/Generator
Different types of 3Φ AC Machine
Different types of 1Φ /3Φ Transformers
Different types of loads
Frequency meter
Phase sequence meter
Clamp on meter
Fly While
RLC Meter
3 Phase AC Power Supply
Power Systems Analysis & Switchgear and Protection Laboratory
This laboratory is designed to demonstrate students about the power system networks comprising of transmission lines with other equipment also the behaviour of the components under various conditions. Working of different load works in power system is explained here. Also students will be taught about different condition of a power system and how to improve the system. Students will be introduced with different switchgear and protection devices. Various methods of protection including primary and backup protection will be explained in this lab. Students will be able to operate different types of switchgear and protection equipment such as relay, fuse and circuit breaker in different system configurations practically.
Major Equipment:
Transmission Line Module
Different types of 3Φ AC Machine
Different types of 1Φ /3Φ Transformers
Different types of loads
Frequency meter
Phase sequence meter
Clamp on meter
Fly While
RLC Meter
3 Phase Digital Meter
Magnetic Contactor, Over Current & Under Current Relay, Over Voltage Relay & Under Frequency Relay
Current Transformer, Voltage Transformer
3 Phase AC Power Supply
Control Systems Laboratory
The objective of the lab is to design a system and calculate the transfer function, analyzing the stability of the system (both open and closed loop, with positive and negative feedback) with time domain approach and frequency response analysis, using MATLAB and also developing the system which is dynamic in nature with state space analysis approach. Students will be able to design ladder diagram for PLC based automation system and design the best controller based on the systems requirement using CAD tool as an individual or as a member of a team.
Major Equipment:
Simence S71200 PLC Training Board
Simence Logo PLC Training Board
3 Phase AC Motor
Different Types of Sensors
High Configuration Computer for Simulation Purpose
Physics and Chemistry Laboratory
In Physics Laboratory work using hardware based on: Wheat stone’s network (meter bridge, post office box), measuring resistance of unknown wire, series/parallel combination of resistor, resistance of a galvanometer. Students will determine values of different physical parameters by conducting various experiments as an individual or as a team member.
In Chemistry lab students will be demonstrated laboratory experiments related to chemical analysis as an individual or as a member of a team. Different chemical analysis on: HCl, NaOH, KMnO4, Fe(II), K2Cr2O7, Cu(II) etc. will be performed in this lab.
Simulation Laboratory
Summary: In electrical circuit simulation laboratory students will learn to develop simulation models of various AC, DC, and electronic circuit to find the value of different circuit parameters.
In VLSI design lab students will be able to apply the general concept of VLSI Design methodologies to design different electronic circuits using modern CAD tools. Students will be able to design different VLSI circuits and define efficient design procedure.
In Digital signal processing lab, analysis of different digital signals & digital filters with DTFT, FFT and z-transform using modern CAD tools. Students will be familiarized with FIR and IIR filter design and their application.
Communication Engineering Laboratory
The purpose of this lab is to facilitate students with foundation skills of using communication laboratory instruments and to make students understand about the operations and applications of various analog & digital modulation circuits. It will cover AM, FM, ASK, FSK, PSK modulation and demodulation practical laboratory work.
Major Equipment's:
Basic and Advanced Analog Communication Trainer kits
Basic and Advanced Digital Communication Trainer kits
Digital Storage oscilloscope
20 GHz Vector Network Analyzer.
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab
This lab will help students to learn microcontroller programming. They will design simple project based on microcontroller. Students will learn to solve complex engineering problems using programming as well as hardware tools in this lab. This lab will cover ARDUINO & PIC based microcontroller system design & introduction to raspberry-pi.
Major Equipment:
Computer for each student
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
5 workstation each equipped with trainer Arduino Kit with Different Types of Sensors