The modern life is inconceivable without Electrical and Electronic
Engineering. From radio to cell phones,
biomedical instrumentation e.g. pacemaker, computer aided tomography,
X-ray imaging, MRI-save lives, microelectronics- turns sand to CPUs and memory,
nanotechnology- develops new device and materials, consumer electronics- meets
the entertainment and every day necessities from toast makers to shaving razors
and ultimately the fuel to all these goods and systems that is electrical power
generation and transmission safely to the consumers; all have been made
possible by the Electrical and Electronic Engineers. However, the overwhelming
demand in this field of technology is always a challenge to meet which requires
a broad educational background and a long time commitment to learn and
research. Considering this challenge, the Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering at Premier University was established in January 2008.
The vision of this department is to be recognized as the very best program of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering education and research in this region and
the mission is to provide quality education and to transfer highly skilled
manpower to the community.